
【印章】清明上河圖 (十千腳店) ~明信片篇 Along the River During the Qingming Festival: Ch Qian Tavern ~ Postcard

(它們應該也很開心吧! XD )
After two years of collection, these tools finally get a chance to put their expertise to good use!
(They should also be very happy now! XD)

260 pound of ivory paper

250 lb kraft

這是限量版的牛皮紙清明上河圖喔!! XDD

I consulted an art teacher about the printing method first. Relatively speaking, this print is nicer, unlike the previous print which made the paper get dirty easily. 
But, kraft is still difficult to print on. After I run out of the kraft paper I have now, I will use it no more. 
This is a limited edition “Along the River During the Qingming Festival” of  kraft! XDD

Size: 15 x 10.5 cm

左:315磅柔美紙(米白) ; 中:270磅象牙紙(米白) ; 右:280磅棉絲紙
Left: 315 lb soft paper (off-white/beige); 
Middle: 270 pound of ivory paper (off-white/beige); 
Right: 280 pound of cotton silk paper


Printing some of the postcards, the results are very good! Whichever part I want, ink, roll it up, print it, and the pattern comes out. No need to print a large sheet every time. That makes the work pretty flexible.

感覺都蠻好印的,比牛皮紙好上N倍。  XDDD

If you ask which one of these three papers had better printed quality, it would be hard to make a judgment, because the number of prints is small. I think either one of them is good, better than printed on Kraft. 

Let’s continue to look at the details~


Jiao Dian is the liquor store where customers can drink and eat in the store. 
Do you see the customers eating and chatting behind the store?  XD

 The store entrance is erected on Cailou Huanmen (doorway decoration), which is one of the most interesting parts around Hongqiao (Rainbow Bridge). It is a popular liquor store decoration in the Song Dynasty (10~13 century), and it is built with tall bamboo poles resting on a base of colored silk, paper and other materials supported by a gatehouse. This structure was built in order to attract customers to the front of the store. 


當然不是! 我畫圖不喜歡用尺,會太死板的感覺,
好像就少了點自由、熱情、隨性的感覺......  :(

By saying that, after seeing this Cailou Huanmen (doorway decoration), my colleagues asked me if I drew it with a ruler?
Of course not! I don’t like drawing with a ruler. It would make the object too rigid. But from this picture, I can see that my drawing is too serious and lacks freedom, passion and casualness. L



The New Wine is a proper noun and refers to wine selling during the Mid-Autumn Festival.
I like the banner very much.


就...... 算了吧!  XDDD

畫中倚欄而坐的人,真的很悠閒,是不是?  超羨慕的吧!!!!  >"<

According to The National Palace Museum Monthly of Chinese Art, it is written that the bark has fallen on the roof. This realistic style of painting is a feature of the Song Dynasty. 
The artists are never vague on the details.
But, I looked at the original figure carefully for a long time; I could not find where the bark was.  
Oh!…..forget it! XDDD
The person sitting and leaning out of the banister in the painting is really laid-back, isn’t he? 
Super envious of him !!!! >”<

又是一板一眼的畫法。   XDD

From the style of the boats, I can feel my drawing lines are rigid. The painting is stiff. XDD

這張比起上面的全圖,視覺感覺更好耶!!  >///////<
This is also very spectacular!! Compared to the full figure above, the visual of this figure is better. Yeah!! >////<  (But, my favorite is still in HongQiao (Rainbow Bridge), hehe~~)





There is a Huabiao (high pole) set on each side of Hongqiao (Rainbow Bridge). Wooden Huabiao (high pole), with two crossbars crossing on the top of the pole is often erected on the crossroads, bridges, palaces, city gates, and tombs.  In ancient times, it was set up on main streets to allow the people to write criticism of government policies. It was the symbol of the king taking advice, and gradually evolved to a symbol of a crossroad. From the legend, a cluster of cranes are gathered on the Huabiao. Since then, the top of the Huabiao is a column, often decorated with a crane. In the lower left corner of the figure, there is a wheelbarrow cart with two anchoring legs called “Xie Mu Jiao Tuo” (foot dragging wooden ramp). It helps the wheelbarrow cart to park with stability.  (Quote from The National Palace Museum Monthly of Chinese Art)

I am satisfied with the joining place. 
Actually, it is not obvious to find where the two boards link up at first glance.


Finally, or course, we must look at the postcard ~~  (Cut into four pieces)

還有專門的主題章   :D
There is a special stamp for this theme. :D

The task is finally accomplished!!

~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~( ̄▽ ̄)~

[Stamp] Along the River During the Qingming Festival: Ch Qian Tavern ~ Stamp

這是蘋果籽和糖果合力經營的粉絲頁,歡迎來坐坐~  :)))
This website is operated by the Candy and Appleseed, welcome to ~~~~~


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