
【印章】清明上河圖 (虹橋) ~明信片篇 Along the River During the Qingming Festival: Hongaiao (Rainbow Bridge) ~ Postcard

Once again, use Liberty~

The figures above are: 70 pound kraft paper, 250 pound kraft, 260 pound of ivory paper

(是我技術不好嗎? ( ̄□ ̄|||)a )
The prints are faint and hazy, some parts have ink logging. (Is it my poor technique?)

Let’s try rubber slab print:

(Thanks to my colleagues who give the tools and inks to me, so touched!!!)

The figure above are: 
260 pound of ivory paper (1st), 260 pound ivory paper (most successful), 250 lb kraft

Overall, the one printed on ivory paper is more beautiful. 
The one printed on kraft is not as outstanding as what I thought it would be.

Later, I ask an art teacher about the reason. It is because the kraft has an uneven surface so it will cause this kind of situation. After failing many times, I finally found a method, although it takes a lot of work.

Compared to the figure above, that really is a big difference.

象牙紙也越印越好囉!!!  :D
The ones printed on Ivory paper are getting better each time. !!!! :D

Suddenly, I have another idea to mix the red and blue ink. The color they bring up is also very awesome~~

不管是印章或是印出的成品 ,我最喜歡的部分是橋的欄杆,井然有序~
It doesn’t matter whether it’s a stamp or printed work, my favorite part is the railing of the bridge. Orderly~

Finished the print. Next, cut it into four pieces, really a little reluctant.

(蒐集滿4張明信片,送蘋果籽飛吻一個 XD")
It is nice to print a whole picture, but it is also good to make postcards. Yeah!!
(Collected over four postcards, send an Appleseed’s kiss XD”)

每一張都各有其特色耶~  \(╯▽╰)∕
Each postcard has its own characteristics. Yeah~


我當然四張都喜歡啊~  (≧<>≦)

騙人!! 明明剛剛才說最喜歡欄杆的  ="=

不過... 我還真的最喜歡右上角這張.......:P

What? Which one do I like?
I certainly like all of them. Ah~
Lier!! You just said you like railings more =”= 
But….I really like the top right corner postcard the most…..:P

等等,如果再將它大卸25塊,變成拼圖應該挺不錯的!!! (摩拳擦掌中)
Wait, if it is cut into 25 pieces, it will become puzzle. It sounds pretty good!!!! (Gearing up)

Final processing, this is really finally finished! It can be mailed!
Fireworks to celebrate it!!

~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~( ̄▽ ̄)~

這是蘋果籽和糖果合力經營的粉絲頁,歡迎來坐坐~  :)))
This website is operated by the Candy and Appleseed, welcome to ~~~~~


3 則留言:

  1. 很棒的作品,就連虹橋底下汴河水交接的石岸,每一塊石板與石板交接的"燕型鐵"都觀察細微,真正佩服啊!
