
【印章】清明上河圖 (十千腳店) ~印章篇 Along the River During the Qingming Festival: Ch Qian Tavern ~ Stamp

但是這個願望真的太難了... (掩面)

Two years ago, I made a vow to carve a small segment of the Along the River During the Qingming Festival every year as a birthday present to myself, but this desire has been really hard to actualize….

要生出一整幅的清明上河圖,實在是太痛苦了...... >"<

The main problem is I am not good at drawing.
To complete a whole picture of Along the River During the Qingming Festival is too difficult and painful….…. (Also, it is hard to find a high-resolution picture)

So helpless, still, I can only try my best to trace out the drawing.

I can barely draw a little roof and a few trees, no clue how much time has passed, 
I almost reach a point of collapse!!!

(迷之音:是有這麼痛苦???  =""=  ......   OS:是真的!!!!!!!! (激動貌))

(我這樣爆料會不會被K啊? ><)
就這樣拖啊拖...... 圖稿總算有點樣子出現了。

Therefore, I constantly beg my sister to help trace out the drawing. 
After a lot of persuasion, threats and inducements, she finally reluctantly helps me to draw, depending on her mood and time, sometimes along with grumbles.  
(Am I going to be beaten when I say that? > < )             
So, little by little…… a bit of the artwork finally appeared.

姊姊,你畫這樣的圖是要我怎麼刻啦???   :'(((((


In the end, I still need to complete all of the artwork on my own, to make the lines and details clearer in order to facilitate subsequent engraving work.


Although there are many complaints, I still give thanks for my sister’s hard work.
Without her help, I really did not know how to start.

那麼...... 阿姊啊 ~ 
之後的圖稿也都全部拜託你了吧!!!!!    >///////< (撒嬌~)

Well…. Sister~
Please help the drawing after all!!!  >////< (Spoiled)


I was drawing and carving at the same time (it is too tough to finish it in one stretch). 
I transfer a partial image first. When I am done with carving, I transfer the rest of the image, and then carve again (repeat the action several times). 
This way also avoids the lines getting blurred while I am carving.

上下圖比較一下吧~ :)
Compare the top and the bottom figures.


Before engraving the left rubber slab, stick a piece of paper tape so that the two slab rubbers match together. This way will reduce errors. Next, carefully carve. 
(However, the rubber slab comes very long, super hard to make a turn!!!)

將將將將~  完成了!!!!!!   我又要感動到痛哭流涕了  >"""<

Finally, I AM DONE!!!  I am moved to tears.

Size: 30 x 22.5 cm

Let’s visit the details of it~

I choose this figure to do first, because it is the theme of this board: Ch Qian Jiao Dian 
(Jiao Dian means tavern.)

就好像平地起高樓一樣,慢慢蓋起來,好辛苦啊! (揮汗)

There is a decorated building in front of the tavern which is the most difficult feature I had to carve. 
Because the original artwork and the imitation artwork are both very blurry, I don’t know how to draw it precisely. I have worked very hard to draw slowly from the bottom up. 
During the process, I have to pay attention to check if the draft is logical (symmetrical), as a skyscraper is built from the ground up to the sky. SO TOUGH!!!!  (Sweat)

刻就比畫簡單囉!! 只要線條清楚,手夠穩,慢慢刻,就不容易刻壞了。
Engraving is simpler than drawing!! 
As long as the lines are clear, the hand steady enough, carving slowly, it will be fine. 

綵樓上掛的旗幟:新酒。  (想品嘗看看嗎? XD)
The banner hanging on the decorated building: new wine.
 (Do you want to taste it? XD)

The trolley is in front of the decorated building.

Look at the overall figure. Feel it!

I have engraved roof tiles so many times, even without drawing lines, 
I can carve almost the same size tiles.  XD

十千腳店的建築物。 (綵樓後方)
Ch Qian Tavern

可以看到一些客人正倚窗而坐,一派優閒的樣子~ (羨慕啊!!!!)
You can see some of the guests are sitting and leaning out of the windows with a leisurely look~ (green with envy!!)

There is a very tall tree next to the Ch Qian Tavern, near the river.

(好在從這裏卡掉,不然一堆船不知道要畫多久 >"< )
A lot of boats are moored behind the Ch Qian Jiao shop. 
(Fortunately, I am nearing the end of the rubber slab. Otherwise, I don’t know how long to take drawing a bunch of boats.)

看,這艘船的頂篷,喜歡嗎? 蘋果籽蠻喜歡的。
跟<虹橋>的某艘船有點像,但是刻法剛好互補。 (下圖)
Look, the boat’s roof, do you like it?  I enjoyed it.
It is similar to one of the boats in Hong Qiao (Rainbow Bridge), so the way of carving is exactly complementary. (Below)

Now look at the top figure~

還是決定用 1mm 的角刀,幾刀就把草皮的感覺呈現出來了,
所以工具適當搭配挺好的! :)

I was planning to use a “Pen-Knife” to carve slowly on part of the grass, but it was too difficult!! 
Finally, I decided to use a 1 mm “angular knife”, a few carves created grass. Therefore, appropriate tools are very helpful!!

There are many small grids and lines on the boats, be patient and slowly carving, my hand needs to be steady.

The boat is near shore. A group of boat haulers help pull in the boat.

Next is the brilliant joining of the two slabs!

感覺如何呢?  :DDDD



How is it? 

I feel it is spectacular!

(The two rubber slabs have different colors because the art club doesn’t have the left side of the white slab. Well, I like the texture of the rubber slab on the right anyway.)


In fact, when I was done carving Hong Qiao (Rainbow Bridge), I didn’t think I would be carving again. Fortunately, the edge of  Hong Qiao is in good shape, so it really could go on!


But there is a little bit of difficulty when I match this boat because, when I drew the boat on the left half, my technique was very poor.  In fact, the position of the boat was drawn a little offset from the original, and the top of the boat was finished too fast. It is barely stretched, so it looks a little strange.

嗯~  還是角刀比較俐落。

As you can see there is a difference between the grass, carved out by the “pen knife” (left) and the “angular knife” (right).  Ah~ the angular knife is still relatively neat.

因為水紋是最後刻的,刻了以後才想到要鑲接的說.....  Orz
好吧~  瑕不掩瑜咩~~   XDDDD 

As the middle of the water wave…..
Ripple is the last process, because I don’t think about it after the junction….Orz
Well, the defects don’t obscure the virtues~~~~~~~ XDDDD


The speed of carving this time is faster. However there are more details to finish off, therefore, the overall time spent is actually almost the same.

還可以悠悠哉哉地整理照片和寫網誌。  XDDD

Anyway, I finally completed it in time before my birthday!!
Also, take my time to organize photos and write my blog. 

~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~( ̄▽ ̄)~

Happy Birthday wish to Appleseed!!!!!

(Well, 還要繼續下去嗎?????)

Then there oh~

[Stamp] Along the River During the Qingming Festival: Ch Qian Tavern~ Postcard 

這是蘋果籽和糖果合力經營的粉絲頁,歡迎來坐坐~  :)))
This website is operated by the Candy and Appleseed, welcome to ~~~~~


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