The first cut: flagpole.
The first cut: flagpole.
要不是因為把它當成生日禮物送給自己,我不會越刻越努力,越刻越快,拋棄身邊的一切事情專心地刻它(ㄟ...工作還是有做,沒偷懶喔!! ( ̄▽ ̄a)﹏﹏)
From the first
cut, it was destined to be my long and hard journey (?),
If I was not
relying on willpower to fight on, I really would throw it aside. If it was not
a birthday gift for me, I would not carve harder, work faster; even abandon everything
around me, just focus on it. (oh….I still finished my other work, I hadn’t been
This was really
a task that required a huge amount of care and patience!!!!
刻印章的過程中,肢體也飽受折磨... (聽起來很嚴重XD")
During the
process of stamp engraving, my body was also tortured with pain…..(sounds very
serious XD”)
Bending my body
for stamp engraving caused a serious backache and inability to straight up. I
have to do rehabilitation.
From clenching a
pen knife, my thumb became numb and painful, my middle finger got callouses,
and my little finger joints developed pain. I had to wrap several layers of
breathable tape around these three fingers to relieve the pain.
眼睛也不輕鬆,刻細緻的地方,真是辛苦他了 ><
My left-handed didn’t
rest. My right hand sometimes used too much force, and accidently hurt my fingers.
My eyes became tired. They had to gaze intently while I was carving delicate
places. > <
好歹人家很辛苦的說...... (自己在說...)
Do not skip
these mutterings to myself~~
I had been work
extremely hard… (at least, that’s what I think…..)
Well, please
join with me through this journey~~~~~
24 & 36小時 (hours)
48 & 60小時 (hours)
72小時 (hours)
加油!!! 快完成了!!!!!
‧Come on!!!!
Almost done!!!!!!
Finished !!!! 喔~這真的是讓我感動地痛哭流涕啊!!!!!
Finished!!!!! Oh
~~ this has really touched me to burst into tears. Ah!!!!!!
(有一種瞬間從白天變黑夜的感覺 XD)
(All of a
sudden, a feeling of changing from day to night XD)
My dear
partners, thank you for all of your hard work and accompanying me all the way
to the end.
(Killed & Retired blades!!!)
Well, 請容我帶大家參觀細節~ <( ̄︶ ̄)>
Well, let me
take you to visit the details~
看到中間這幾個人臉,有沒有感覺很像......電影 "驚聲尖叫"呢?  ̄▽ ̄||
See, among these
people’s faces, don’t you feel they look like……the movie “Scream”?
老實說...... 我真的不知道那是啥...... 誰可以告訴我? ..╮(﹋﹏﹋)╭..
The middle of
the pole, there is a bunch of debris hanging above (?)
really do not know what it is…..Who can tell me? 人物百態~
The daily life
of people~~~
The figure on
the right bottom, something special put on a stall: scissors in Tang and Song
Dynasties (7~13 century) according to The
National Palace Museum Monthly of Chinese Art.
我很喜歡中間這個人..... 的腳 ( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏
怎麼說哩~ 就是很有Fu啊!!! 好看!!! >/////<
I really like
the middle of this person’s…....feet
How to say ~~ much
feeling toward me!!! Nice!!!!! >/////<
左邊的這個人,怎麼越看越像溺水呼救的人啊... XD" (真沒良心)
Lazy way of
engraving: first, carved each square, then slowly fixed it! (Bright knife)
The man on the
left looks like a drowning man who is calling for help ah….XD” (really heartless)
這... 像不像生活在海底的海蛇,從海底探出頭來隨波搖擺的樣子?
真是...... 越看越噁心 o(‧"‧)o
把它們全部挑起來後用夾子一口氣拔掉,真是超爽(快)的事啊!!!! (喔耶!!!!)
This …..Don’t
you think they are a lot like sea snakes living in the sea, sticking their heads
out from the waving sea?
To provoke them,
and clip them within one breath, that was really super cool. Ah!!!! (Oh~ yeah!!!!)
It took me one
hour and 22 minutes to carve the stern. Time passed so imperceptibly ...….. I like these boatmen who work very hard with
very serious expressions. Come on boatmen!!!!
Simple tables, chairs
and sheds, so that passengers have a resting place. Take a break, men!! Ah~!!
(Waving hand~)
這屋簷正在對著我笑耶~ 好害羞喔.... (≧<>≦)
This roof is
laughing at me~~ oh so shy……
A large
collection of tiles!!
但是。。。嘿嘿!!! 我有秘密武器:
登楞~~~ 轉盤!!!!!!
Because the rubber
slab is so large, it’s really hard to turn. My left hand was super busy.
However….Hey!!!!1 I have a secret weapon:
~~~~ turntable!!!!!
I borrowed my
dad’s pottery wheel, so that I was able to accomplish twice as much work with
half the effort.
附上一小段利用轉盤刻屋瓦的影片(手指入鏡,有點害羞哩....( ̄▽ ̄#)﹏﹏ )
It was really
helpful, especially when I engraved the roof tiles.
Attached is a
short video, and you will be able to see how it works. (My fingers are in the
screen, so shy….)ps.因為右半部的瓦片較小,用刀尖可直接挑起,但左半部就得請出夾子了。(不然刀片一定會斷)
PS. The smaller
tiles on the right half were easily lifted with a knife, but you have to use a
tweezer to pick up the bigger tiles on the left half. (Otherwise, the blade
will break.)
接下來是刺手...... 不對,是棘手的草皮
Next, the grass
is the really tough thing……
The grass, finished in third from the last, because I did not know how to represent it. It was easier to draw than to carve. The grass could be sketched out in just a few strokes, but with carving, it could be really frustrating!!!!
At the
beginning, I tried a shortcut, a lazy thinking to try to carve chaos (left
half), but the result was dissatisfying and ugly. It also harmed the surface of
the slab. Then I asked Chia-ning and decided to draw the grass blade by blade
again, engraving slowly, and finally done!
Ripples were the
last two parts.
等到刻完,生日已經過了40分鐘了..... 〒__〒
等到刻完,生日已經過了40分鐘了..... 〒__〒
但總算完成啦!!!! (灑花~)
I was very
nervous at that time because it was my birthday. I kept cheering myself up by
telling myself I had time, don’t give up!!
I did not expect
the rest of these two parts to actually take me nearly five hours. You know,
being the birthday girl, the day is always busy….
In addition to
work during the day, I attended a class at night and had dinner with my parents.
When I finished with engraving, my birthday had been over for 40 minutes…. Anyway,
I finally completed it!!!! (Sprinkle flower~~)
~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~( ̄▽ ̄)~(_△_)~( ̄▽ ̄)~
I wish a happy
birthday to Appleseed!!!!
Maybe I should
make a wish to engrave Along the River
During the Qingming Festival as a birthday gift every year.
Give me a break!!! (昏)
接下來還有喔~ ;)
【印章】清明上河圖~工具&繪圖篇 ← → 【印章】清明上河圖~明信片篇
→[Stamp] Along the River During the Qingming Festival: Hongaiao (Rainbow Bridge) ~ Postcard
這是蘋果籽和糖果合力經營的粉絲頁,歡迎來坐坐~ :)))
This website is operated by the Candy and Appleseed, welcome to ~~~~~
so cool!!!!